Frequently Asked Questions
How many books can a student check out?
- Students can check out two (2) books for two (2) weeks. Students should demonstrate responsibility by taking care of the book and returning the book within the two week period.
What happens if the student loses or damages a book?
- If a book is lost or damaged, check out privileges will be suspended. When the book(s) are paid for, the Media Center will issue a receipt, reinstate checkout privileges, and release the student’s record.
What do I do if my laptop is damaged or lost?
- If your laptop is damaged or lost, you need to report it to the media center immediately.
What do I do if I lose my laptop charger or sleeve?
- If you lose your laptop charger or sleeve, the student must pay for the lost item. Please see the media specialist for current pricing information. All payments are to be made to the bookkeeper in the front office.